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Trudeau, Poilievre Renew Carbon Tax House Battle as Parliament Reconvenes

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre picked up where they left off as the House of Commons reconvened, arguing about the carbon tax and trading blows about the state of the country.
“After nine years of NDP-Liberals, taxes up, costs up, crimes up, times up. And now [Trudeau] wants a 300 percent carbon tax hike, all the way up to 61 cents a litre,” Poilievre said during question period on Sept. 16.
“Why not let Canadians choose a common-sense Conservative government that will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, and stop the crime now?”
Trudeau responded to Poilievre by saying that over the summer, Canadians had been saying they needed “answers to the challenges they’ve been facing,” and accused Poilievre of only caring about “himself and his own political interests.”
“We’re going to keep focused on doing the things that [Poilievre] refuses to do, whether it’s him voting against dental care, whether it’s him voting against child care, whether it’s him voting against a National School Food Program, we’re going to still deliver the things that matter to Canadians,” Trudeau said.
“There’s a game which nobody should ever play that we probably both call playing chicken—two cars going toward one another. We are playing chicken with four cars. Eventually one will hit another one, and there will be a wreckage,” he said.
“So I’m not certain that this session will last a very long time, and we will have to measure precisely, carefully, but boldly at once: What are the consequences of our decisions and votes?”
